lunedì 22 luglio 2013

To be or not to be... SOCIAL?

Let's start from some data:
- 77% of Italian companies ( 2% more than last year) make use of social media.
- 94% of them employ them for e-commerce practices. After that, according to the company's preferences, there are a general purpose of developing the image, promotional sales, collecting feedback and meet new clients.
FacebookTwitter e Google+ are the most popular social networking websites. Then there are, LinkedInYoutube e Pinterest; 40% of the companies has a blog.
- Applications and advertising grow constantly.
- Usually, salesperson or the customer services take care of it, rarely there is a special "social" team.

Only 12% of the companies that make use of social media are fully satisfied; 50% of them is partially satisfied.

The debate on how good social networking websites are and if it's a good choice to make use of them, develops on the socials themselves.
But, if we just ave a quick look out of Italy, we can discover that, in the whole world they are well exploited and studied; as a matter of the fact they are much more profitable.
This is because of the undeniable benefits that occurs:
- creating a network
- focusing on new target
- being visible on the search engines
- create a trust relationship with customers
- interacting
- creating their own image
- listen to each stakeholder
- giving answers in real time
Etc... so, something extremely useful, the dream of all salespersons...
They say: "With great power, comes great responsability".

We can say that these kind of instrument can be so much useful as adverse, if they are not used properly; the same thing happens when giving an arch to a professional o to a kid. The results are totally different.

If we want the arrows to hit the target, we have to practice, to focus on it, to be careful of the wind, to train our body, to chose the right arrow and the right arch... so, we have to really know what we want to do.
Otherwise, we rick hitting our friend, supporting us from the sideline.
Social networking services can be effective tools or bad choices, as any other INSTRUMENT that a company uses.
Attention please:  Social platforms are NOT the solution, but a WAY to FIND SOLUTIONS!

After having debunked the myth of the "Social solution", let's see how we have implemented this instrument in CN Arredamento.

Our company, is a B2B company: we provide a specific service for other companies, such as architectural, architects, designer, designing company...What do we want from a social network?
First of all, being known. For us it is very important to get in touch with persons that have projects, to present our service, making their projects come true. Indeed CN developped a WEB STRATEGY that allows our customers to get in touch in different ways, from a tweet to a post, from everywhere and anytime. CN is growing and its communication gets structured and integrated.
We decide to create a profile con FacebookTwitter e Google+, to share with you who we are, what we do and how we do it.
We joined also Pinterest, to really show our projects and our values.
Obviously all started also on a professional channel like LinkedIn, to enter into a dialogue with professionals.

All of this is not that easy as it seems: to structure a profile you need a lot of time and attention, you have to take care of it every day. We are still beginners and we ask you for advice!
What d you think?
What can we improve?
Thanks to all of you!

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