lunedì 11 febbraio 2013

G.Ma.P. 1.0: what we think about our future

We have already written about the executive education.
Yes, that article is in Italian and the automatic translation doesn't work so good, I know. But I think that it's pretty unnecessary, because it was dedicated to an Italian public, composed by MSE (medium and small enterprises), and its objective was to underline the importance of this kind of managerial training also for small and familiar enterprises. Supposing that international public take in great consideration this kind of training (as the great number of international courses proposes by universities shows), this choice is motivated and we can go on with this article.

Today we are going to start a series about management control that we are implementing in CN: you can call it G.Ma.P., that means Getting a Managerial Prospective
As said in the article we were speaking about above, our company decided to get en executive course about managerial approach, moving away to the familiar and "as-we-were-friends" approach that Italian companies usually have to the market and to themselves too.
This project is developed in collaboration with Cube Consulting, that helped CN to quit the day-by-day approach and having a rational and anticipatory one. 

This change is felt as compulsory for lots of Italian MSE: they are at the second or third generation, they have a strong identity and well.developed know-how, but they have to compete on an international world, that is very different to the one they were born in.
This international point of view needs not only an important know-how, but also a managerial approach, to survive and communicate in the same language.
Survivor in such an environement means knowing well who we are, which kind of resources we have and how we can rationally organize them.
All of this take part from the ensemble of managerial control tools. An entrepreneur that handle all of this subjects and get ahead of the game, is likely to win.

G.Ma.P. project is composed by 3 phases:

1)   EmployeeAnalysis: how to rationalize roles and tasks, for getting an empowerment? How can we assess employee satisfaction? How can we assess the perceived competence-map?
  2)   Budgeting e costingwhich and what kind of costs do we have to face? How can we measure peformance? How can we have a rational and antipatory approach to the governance? How can we analyse the results, according to the previous budget? How can we find out responsabilities?
  3)   Web-Experience: How can we create a web identity that is coherent to the company perceived image? How can we interact directly with our clients? How can we reach new clients and new markets? How to develop engagement by our clients?

In the next (translated) articles, we'll analyse these different phases of the process.
Now, how did it started here in CN?
Massimo Memmola, researcher and professor at the Cattolica University of Milano, is our principal contact in Cube Consulting. We asked him to answer some questions, just to explain that this is not only theory and academic exercise, but really touches everyday life.

·         Are there any peculiar facts that permitted this "change-of-view" in CN? There were problem with implementing it?
      CN is a structured company, that has its own costs and a fixed productive path.. Costs can be organised in cost centers, even if sometimes that results difficult. Yet, without an adequate cost accounting system, that is taken for granted. the first step for the change is understanding who we are and how our business works, a sort of anatomic study of the company. If Silvio and Davide Cappi hadn't get involved, re-discovering the system they worked in for years, nothing could have been done. Problems are, most of all, caused by a different "way of thinking". There were not specific problems, but we had to overcome several difficult points in the "anatomy" structure of this company.

·       How important are people in this change?
People is the crucial point : as I mention before, we first have to change the way of thinking and acting. A critical and improvement personal approach is the base for such a new system. Teamwork is necessary and essential.

·        How much can CN develop from this project?
We can go further and further, in space and time, because a managerial approach can makes CN competitive on international market and give long-terms prospective. CN wants to get competitive not only on the product, but also on governance.
Being able to enlarge its custom with a strong decision taking policy will be the winning card for CN, especially during this crisis. 

·        How long will it take to get results?
Results are already tangible: knowing the cost structure is already part of the knowhow, and now we are studying processing and engeneering. This blog, with the website and social networks (Fb, Tw, LIn) is part of a developing web strategy. As a good car, it takes few kilometers to assess all the systems.
Year by year, then, the project must change and adapt to fit the develop of CN.

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